· community · 7 min read

Telegram Group Chat Guidelines

The Project Kink Telegram group chat rules and guidelines.

The Project Kink Telegram group chat rules and guidelines.

Telegram Group Rules and Guidelines

In this article:

  1. 1. Chat Group Rules - rules governing all Telegram chat groups (currently there is only 1) and guidelines to help ensure quality, relevancy and on-topic conversations

Last updated 29th December 2022

1. Chat Group Rules - please read

Below are the rules for conversing on the “PK Meetup BCN” Telegram chat group. They should be followed and are intended for the safety of the group and its members, but also the quality of the channel and relevancy of topics and conversations. Anyone who doesn’t follow them might receive a warning, or be asked to leave.

Group Purpose

The group is intended to be for day-to-day active discussions for kinksters in and around Barcelona. It is also for coordination of the meetup events so that people know when the next events are happening as well as on-the-day event updates. That being said, it can be used in accordance with the below:

Chat Topics *

Please keep the topics that you are discussing kink-related. It is ok to have discussion-like conversations, but only if they are kink-related and within the context of “Barcelona Kink” (the kink scene in Barcelona) or any other relevant discussion which may be interesting to local kinksters.

* Note: Telegram has a "Topics" feature which we intend to enable once the group size exceeds 100 people. More info on topics.

Themed topics that are considered acceptable chat (this list is not limited)

  • General questions about the meetups and PK events
  • General kink discussions and chat
  • Random questions about kink related stuff
  • Personal opinions about kink-related stuff
  • Other local kink-events or meetups which are not associated with Project Kink official meetups
  • Relevant upcoming local events in and around Barcelona
  • Kink clubs/nights or other munches going on
  • Other related meetups, such as beers or coffees with friends on here (please break away an create a private group when possible)
  • Links to relevant profiles for more context (spam not allowed!)
  • Debates about kink related themes, gender, sexuality etc...
  • Local festivals associated with kink
  • References to trusted artisans or suppliers for kink-related goods and clothing
  • Personal introductions
  • Proposals for future event themes
  • General questions to the group
  • Seeking advice about kink-related topics in/around Barcelona
  • Any additional topics directly related to the munches or PK official events
Note: The above list will evolve over time, as to keep the guidelines clear and up-to-date and are intended to be guidelines, not rules. If it is deemed necessary, one or more group mnoderators will have the final say in the event someone needs removing from the channel.

Topics which are NOT preferred in the group chat

Note: Telegram "Topics" feature will facilitate more here in future

  • Discussions which only include an individual or "a very small number of people" (This is to avoid too much noise in the channel).
  • Conversations which go off-topic or discussions which tend to focus too much on 1 topic only
  • General conversations which undermine or deteriorate the overall quality of the channel
  • General conversations about Barcelona, tourism, places to visit, eat etc (there are other channels for this)
  • Please refrain from unnecessary memes, gifs or photos of cats!

Chat Etiquette

Please keep your messages as concise as possible. Often 1 message will do instead of sending 3 separate ones. Always keep in mind that when you send a message you are alerting a lot of people. Telegram has a feature for throttling the number of messages which can be sent by any one person and it will be turned on. Therefore, there is an “X” second delay before you can send the next message. This is to encourage people to be more concise and help prevent the group from “pocket burn” (where your phone is constantly receiving notifications!)

One thing we would like to try to avoid is having 100’s of messages to check per day, in which case the channel will become too busy for most people.

Adding New Members

People can only be invited at a munch or another in-person event, or direct via a group Admin. Message an admin direct for more info or connect with one of the event organisers at an in-person event.

Location & Context

Try to keep the topics Barcelona-focussed. Remember, this is a Barcelona-focussed kinkster group. Discussions can branch off to other locations (e.g. Madrid, Sitges, Berlin…etc), provided they have some relevance rooted in Barcelona. An exception, however, is if asking the group for tips or advice about a place/club/group outside Barcelona and since this is an international group then it will be relevant.

Note: conversations and topics can also include events, meetups, shops etc... in nearby locations, such as Sitges, Badalona, Sabadell, Terrassa, Hospitalet, Tarragona, Costa Brava, Girona etc...

Personal Privacy

Do not facilitate in revealing anyone’s personal details or identity, above and beyond what they already choose to share or divulge to the group, on their Telegram profile, or at the meetups themselves. The meetups are an opportunity to get to know more people, but what they choose to share in-person and in a group chat are usually two separate things.

Respect people by not necessarily referring to them by their real name, unless they have explicitly allowed otherwise (although profile/preferred name or Telegram @username is fine).

In addition, please do not give out private contact details, or address details for a particular person or a private address/location (such as a dungeon, play space, private club or night). In most cases these people/places do not publish this sort of information for obvious discretionary reasons.


Please avoid posts which are focussed on self-promotion or selling things, unless you have asked the admin first. However, it is ok to promote something that is essentially free or has no direct cost. Some examples, for clarification:

a) I am selling some handmade leatherwear (Check - please ask the admin’s permission) b) I am hosting a random drinks meetup in a bar tomorrow night (OK - users can opt-in if they want) c) I am hosting a drinks meetup in a bar before the munch tonight (Check - users might get confused about what time the main event is happening and where) d) I have a spare ticket to XXX Event tonight, private message me for details (OK - users can pm you) e) The profile I was talking about is here (OK - contextual profile links are OK, e.g. Instagram/Fetlife, etc…) f) Here’s a link to that fetish website I mentioned (OK - provided supports shipping to Spain) g) - More examples can be added here for clarification in the future

Please do not send random links with no explanation to the group. Also, please describe carefully what the link is about, so that users can make an informed decision if they want to click it or not. The theme is that a link can contain external contextual information, so please keep them relevant where possible.

Private Messages

This group is intended to be a group for people who have been to a munch before and so in virtue of being in the group, one is already contactable directly. That being said, it will not be tolerated if you annoy, pester, harrass or abuse the direct message capabilities offered. Treat it like any other messaging service where “no, means no”! Users will be removed from the group if there are any reported issues.

In addition, Telegram has a setting to not expose your phone number and therefore only your profile name identifies you. We recommend to enable this feature for extra privacy.

Until the Telegram Topics feature is enabled, we recommend to have side-discussions on pm’s, but for now they are allowed in the main group channel.

Note: We are currently considering the need for a general Telegram 24/7 Kink Chat Group, which would be for people who like to chat a lot, so watch this space.